Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Radon Legislation Introduced

Representative Dan Reitz has reintroduced the Tenants Radon Protection bill. The bill number is HB0141. Updates will be posted as the bill progresses through the process.

The synopsis of the bill reads as follows:

Creates the Tenants Radon Protection Act. Provides definitions and makes findings. Provides that before a lease is signed, a landlord shall provide to each tenant in a dwelling unit, on or below the third floor, any records or reports pertaining to radon concentrations within the dwelling unit that present a radon hazard. Provides that before a lease is signed, a landlord shall furnish each prospective tenant with an Illinois Emergency Management Agency radon guide for tenants, a prescribed form of disclosure of information on radon hazards, and any test results. Provides that a landlord has up to 30 days to obtain a radon test after receipt of a tenant's notification of a test revealing radon. Provides that a measurement by a radon contractor is valid for 5 years. Provides that nothing implies an obligation on a landlord or a tenant to conduct any radon testing. Provides that this is a limitation on home rule powers. Contains other provisions. Effective January 1, 2012.

The link to the bill is http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocTypeID=HB&DocNum=141&GAID=11&SessionID=84&LegID=54704

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